5 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog With Pinterest in 2020

Do you want to increase your blog and enhance your Pinterest traffic? After Facebook, Pinterest is the second-largest referrer for social media traffic, creating many more referrals than Twitter I’ve discovered that there are ways to use Pinterest to gain traffic, increase fans, and grow sales. 

Let’s look at the top 5 things you can do with Pinterest to help your business.

Pin daily. Just like Facebook and Twitter, fans expect a certain amount of interaction and new content. The trick with Pinterest is that you can’t pin all at once. While your FB fans may appreciate your early morning posting session every day, your Pinterest fans are more likely to get fed up and unfollow you. Why? Well, think newsfeed here for a moment. All those pins and repins that you sent out in that one half-hour session ended up clogging everyone’s feed (and possibly their email inboxes, too.) No, it’s better to spend a few minutes several times a day pinning and repinning, to keep your fans happy and their feeds from becoming over-saturated with your content.

Be useful, not self-promoting. Remember, Pinterest is a place to see, to window shop, to daydream, to make wish-lists. Overt self-promotion or hard-selling all the time will turn off followers faster than a power outage. Show that you have confidence and courage in your own products and promote others as well as yourself. They aren’t usually impulsing buyers, they have more of a group mentality than older generations before them, and they know all the tricks of the hard sell because their entire lives have been saturated with the advertising of one type or another. And while they might not be looking at Pinterest to buy, that doesn’t mean that they won’t get the idea there and eventually make a purchase. You just can’t keep sticking it in their faces.

Keep your boards narrow and niched. Salads are better than just summer recipes. Girls’ clothing is better than children’s clothes. Backyard games are better than family fun. Get the idea? The more specific you make your boards, the easier it is for your followers to find just what they’re looking for.

Pin videos. Pinterest is all about visual material – photos, graphics, infographics. It’s a veritable feast for the eyes. So offer your followers a filling main course by pinning some videos. This will give you a great chance to really connect with your audience and come out from behind the monitor, so to speak. And since many don’t know that you can, in fact, post video material to Pinterest boards, you just may find you have a competitive edge!

Stay humble. Chances are, no matter how big your business is, there’s someone out there bigger than you. Follow them.  Repin from them. Just like being useful will gain your fans, so will being humble enough to realize that you’re not the only fish in the sea. Also, the general consensus is that they will follow you back. All of your pins and repins will then show up in their stream, in front of their followers. Watch your fan numbers (and hopefully traffic and sales) grow then!

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